Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Another "I'd Really Rather You Didn't"

Arrgh I say unto you!

As promised, I will go through another "I'd Really Rather You Didn't."

"6. I'd Really Rather You Didn't Build Multimillion-Dollar Churches/Temples/Mosques/Shrines To My Noodly Goodness When The Money Could Be Better Spent (Take Your Pick):
A. Ending Poverty
B. Curing Diseases
C. Living In Peace, Loving With Passion, And Lowering The Cost Of Cable"

The FSM believes in charitable action and encourages His subjects to act on those beliefs. Those who have should help the have-nots! After all, we are encouraged to behave more like the Pirates of old.

Pirates have always been well known for their charitable and philanthropic behavior. The first Pirates would often pass out candy to young children (a practice that led to the modern day Halloween) and would aid thy neighbor whenever possible. They believed in minding their own business, unless of course anothers business was "being in need," in which case the Pirates would share their booty.

Poverty and world hunger are a world problem that could easily be fixed with a good plate of pasta! In fact, these infomercials we see on television, talking about being able to feed a hungry kid for less than a dollar a day are lies. We could feed multiple children for a dollar a day (assuming we weren't paying for the money hungry CEO's of these "not-for-profits"). The going rate of Ramen Noodles is what, $0.16/meal? At that rate, we could feed 5 children for a dollar a day!!! 5!!!

I say unto you, being inspired by His Noodly Goodness, go forth and spread the wealth and donate a pack of Ramen noodles to these third-world countries and do your part to end world hunger. Take you're excess beer money and give these children some pasta goodness! Be like the Pirates of old and you will receive your reward from the FSM: ending global warming. For when you act like a Pirate, you become a Pirate, and the world temperature will drop accordingly.

FSM Prophet

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